WHO Moves To Curb 2nd Line ARV Stock-outs

By Michael Gwarisa  THE World Health Organisation (WHO) is in the process of engaging Pharmaceutical and drug manufacturing companies to negotiate on the pricing of second line Anti Retro-viral drugs to assist Zimbabwe and other struggling third world countries to ensure they access the lifesaving drugs at affordable prices. The development come in the midst of reports that Zimbabwe is experiencing massive second line Abacavir ARV drug stock-outs, putting more than 30 000 lives at risk of developing HIV drug resistance owing to discontinued uptake of  ARVs.  Briefing Journalists in…

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The Plight Of Malnourished HIV Positive Mothers In Hopely

“We end up eating our baby’s food because the situation at times becomes so bad, there wont be any food in the house…” By Michael Gwarisa  IT’S a Wednesday morning and hundreds of women both young and old are queuing at a World Food Program (WFP) container cubicle at Hopley Satellite Clinic to get their monthly allocations of fortified food for them and their young ones. Amongst the women is one weary looking young woman seating by the long bench with her baby clutched on her back. A gaze deep…

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