#BREAKING: Doctors Strike Finally Over

A crippling doctors industrial action which lasted 30 days has finally come to an end amidst indications that the negotiating parties have finally come to an agreement over sticky issues which include On-call allowances, night duty allowances among others.

By Michael Gwarisa

This review in the allowances is effective April, 1 2018 which will see doctors assuming their duties at all hospitals.

The doctors ended the one month long strike following intervention by President Emmerson Mnangagwa who is reported to have directed the Health Services Board and the Ministry of Health and Child Care to reach an agreement with the striking doctors.

“On March, 30 2018, parties to the Health Services Bipartite negotiations (HSBNP) agreed to the following. Review of On-Call allowance rates for junior doctors from the current framework of $5 per hour on the basis of a capped 72 working hours month to $7.50 per hour on the basis of 160 working hours per month.

“This will be paid on an unclaimable basis at the rate of $1200 per month for the junior doctor. The offer reviews the On-call sliding scale from the current level of $216- $504 per month to $720- $1 680 per month, entailing mobilization of an additional resources of $2.1 million per month,” said J Chimbunde, the Chairman for HSBNP.

He added that, night duty allowances will also be reviewed from the current claimable sliding scale rate of $65 to $91 per set of seven days to unlciamable sliding scale rate from $217 to $303 per month.

“The proposed review entails mobilisation of additional resources amounting to around $866 000 per month. There will be no repeating of rotations for members who engaged in the industrial action. Days missed will be compensated for in the rotation on full pay,” added Chimbunde.

Meanwhile, government has started the correction of grading anomalies in the Health as reflected on March 2018 payroll.





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