ZIMBABWE Nurses Association (ZINA) Secretary General, Enock Dongo will be running as Member of Parliament for Chipinge Constituency on a ZANU PF ticket.

By Michael Gwarisa

According to a poster already making rounds on social media, Dongo will is gunning for the Chipinge East constituency in the forthcoming harmonized elections.

Contacted for comment by HealthTimes regards the issue, Dongo hung up on this reporter before switching off his mobile phone.

However, Dongo’s decision to run on a ZANU PF ticket has been received with mixed reactions with many indicating that the move was in contradiction  with what he purports to stand for in the public domain. Dongo is on record saying ZINA was a non partisan and apolitical organisation.

Speaking at the height of the strike last week,  Dongo,  said ..”contrary to government beliefs, nurses are apolitical. “(VP) Constantino Chiwenga may have fired them after he was misled by Health Minister David Parirenyatwa about their industrial action which has crippled hospitals.”

Prominent health micro blogger Gladman Mubonani posted on his twitter account saying “Am beginning to accommodate the Idea that Nurses were taken for a ride.” ??????The man who was leading their strike against Gvt wants to be part of the same Gvt.?????

Responding to Mubonani’s post, William Zambezi just wrote “Crude”

More to follow…










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