Sweden/PSI Sign Sexual Reproductive Health Deal

THE Swedish Embassy has partnered the Population Services International (PSI) in a deal that will ensure improved access to Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) information, products and services for all in Zimbabwe.

HealthTimes Correspondant

According to the deal, PSI will receive SEK60 000 000 over three years (2018-2021).

Through their social media platform Facebook, Swedish Embassy said, “The intervention will go beyond the provision of family planning services to include #cervicalcancer prevention, @menstrual hygiene management, screening and treatment of #STIs, and services for survivors of #sexualviolence.”

They added that PSI`s intervention is relevant to the Swedish priorities and the Results Strategy for Sweden’s International Development Cooperation in Zimbabwe 2017-2021.

“The strong focus on youths and women also positions this intervention well within the Swedish global ambitions around these thematic areas, in line with SDG 3 which speak to good health and wellbeing.”

The Swedish Embassy has always been instrumental in providing humanitarian assistance Zimbabwe’s health sector for years and they plan to increase their interventions towards achieving world class health services .





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