Zim Political impasse: Health Sector Feels the Heat

PROGRESS in the health sector is currently on hold at the back of an obtaining political impasse as the nation awaits the Constitutional Court judgment on the contested 2018  Presidential results.

By Kudakwashe Pembere

Zimbabwe Medical Association Secretary General Dr Shingi Bopoto said public health institutions remain in a dire situation despite the elections.

“We cannot say there was any specific effect on the election period on the medical sector.

“Our public health sector has been in the doldrums for years and remained in the doldrums during the elections and it’s still in the doldrums. So there was no formal observation on the effect of the elections on the public health sector. It’s still what it was,” he said.

Dr Bopoto added that it was about time the deadlock between political parties ended.

“We hope the current political impasse will be resolved very soon because we need people to make decisions. We are in limbo and those decisions that are supposed to be made are not being made,” he said.

Public health institutions were most busy on the skirmishes of August 1 where blood was on high demand following the shootings which left about six people dead and several injured in Harare.

Demand for blood in Zimbabwe is high at the moment following government move to declare blood free at all public health institutions.



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