A system which is in disharmony leads to body imbalance, which then leads to illness, diseases, collapse or even death. By Audrey Tsungai Tadu In many parts of the world medical practitioners give reports of patients who may appear sick but with no visible symptoms. However after diagnosis and background check most patients will be having no clinical diseases but suffering from psychological stress. Stress has been the leading cause of death in many parts of the world in the past three to four decades. It has also been reported…
Read MoreDay: September 5, 2018
What makes your nose bleed in the summer season?
Nosebleeds are a common occurrence, and may indicate a severe medical condition. The rupture of the blood vessels within the front and back of the nose can cause such bleeding. These blood vessels are very tender and, thus, bleed easily. By Anil Arora There are two kinds of nose bleeds: namely anterior and posterior nosebleeds. An anterior nosebleed occurs when the blood vessels at the front of the nose break or rupture, giving rise to bleeding. A posterior nosebleed is when the rupture takes place in a deeper part of…
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