SafAids Launches Audio Magazine

SAFAIDS has introduced a a young people’s audio magazine programme that seeks to engage young people on HIV prevention and sexual reproductive health rights (SRHR) information. HealthTimes Reporter The project is a SAfAIDS, Viamo, Clinton Health Access Initiative through funding from Aidsfonds partnered with Young People and Peer Educators in Bindura District in Mashonaland Central. The Audio Magazine is targeting young girls and boys between the age of 15 to 24 years old. Young people can receive information on HIV Prevention and Sexual Reproductive Health Rights once they register on…

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Former White Farms Now HIV Hotspots

ECONOMIC hardships and lack of consistent income has exposed people residing in former white commercial farms to HIV and risky sexual behavior leading to a spike in sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV in the areas, HealthTimes has learnt. By Michael Gwarisa recently in Centenary After the land reform program which government embarked on in the early 2000s, most farm workers were left stranded as the new indigenous owners failed to take them on board. According to the National AIDS Council (NAC) District Aids Coordinator (DAC) for Mzarabani, Mr Richard…

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