Overcoming multidrug-resistant TB in displacement

FOR the first time since 2015, MSF’s clinic in Shan State has cured two patients of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB). The couple contracted MDR-TB after being displaced by armed conflict, then had to leave their children and home for almost two years of treatment. Their story illustrates the difficulties that patients in conflict-affected communities in Myanmar face, as well as the scarcity in specialised treatment for patients in rural areas. Shan State has long been dogged by conflict between the Myanmar armed forces (Tatmadaw) and non-state ethnic armed groups, as well…

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Swedish Embassy Breaking Menstrual Health Barriers

“MENSTRUATION is a girls issue, why should i care?” said Tafadzwa a Grade 6 pupil with Avondale Primary School. ” I would rather not talk  or discuss about it,” he says. By Kudakwashe Pembere This is the kind of attitude young girls experiencing menstruation for the first time and in school go through. At times, the treatment can be worse for young girls of school going age as they have to endure long hours of bullying , jeering and insults at the hands of their male counterparts. The situation even…

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