Manyawu Appointed Parirenyatwa Hospital CEO

GOVERNMENT has appointed Mr Ernest Manyawo as Parirenyatwa Group of Hospital’s substantive chief executive officer following the dismissal of Mr  Thomas Zigora in April this year.

By HealthTimes Reporter

Mr Noah Madziva who was the Hospital’s Clinical Director was fired while acting as the Hospital’s CEO to be replaced by Mr Edson Mundenda.

“Mr. Ernest Manyawu is the in-coming ‘Chief Executive Officer for Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals. Mr. Manyawu’s ‘ career objective is to excel in leadership and be an inspiration to stakeholders by demonstrating that good corporate governance and excellence are achievable in ‘developing and transitional economies,” said the Hospital in a statement.

With 25 years of experience in managing and leading health institutions and programs including developing organisational systems for public health, Mr Manyawu, according to the hospital, was found fit for the job.

“Over the years, he has acquired expertise in Heath services management and leadership at all levels of the health sector, development of health strategies and plans, development of public health organizational and management systems, leading and training staff in leadership and good corporate governance, event coordination for international conferences and events as well as health Diplomacy, International Relations and Diplomatic Negotiations. ,” said Parirenyatwa Hospital.

PGH said Mr Manyawu was once the CEO for Ingutsheni Central Hospital.

“Before joining Parirenyatwa Group of1 Hospitals, he was the CEO for Ingutsheni Central Hospital since June 2017. Prior to that, Mr. Manyawu was’ working as a Diplomat for the East, Central and Southern Africa Health Community (ECSA-HC) and served his term as its Director of Operations and Institutional Development. Prior to the ECSA-HC appointment, Mr. Manyawu was the Director of Operations for Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals. His work experience in health services management and leadership in the public health sector spans the district, quaternary and national levels. He has also worked as a consultant on leadership and corporate governance for health institutions and programs.” the hospital said.

He holds qualifications in Public Health (MSc), Project Management, Executive Management Development, Health Services Management (PGD) and Politics and Administration. (BSc. Hons).

“Mr. Manyawu is an avid follower of  global health, diplomacy and international relations. He is married and has four children. Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals wishes to welcome and congratulate Mr E.Manyawu on his appointment as the Group Chief Executive of the country’s largest health institution,” said  the Hospital.



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