THE Zimbabwe Hospital Doctors Association (ZHDA) has finally accepted the Higherlife Foundation mentorship offer, a move that is likely to bring some sanity to the health sector.
By Michael Gwarisa
In November last year at the height of the doctors strike as a result of incapacitation, the Foundation offered a ZWL100 Million, Training Fellowship for Junior and Senior Resident Medical Officers employed at Public Healthcare institutions of Zimbabwe.
However most members from the ZHDA has spurned the offer saying government should come up with long lasting solution to their crisis.
In a statement, the ZHDA applauded Higherlife for extending the offer to all doctors and encouraged members to sign up for the program.
In light of the recent development, the ZHDA wants to extend its gratitude to the Higherlife Foundation for extending its offer once again to all government doctors. The ZHDA is encouraging its entire membership to go and apply for the training fellowship before the stipulated deadline.
“The ZHDA remains eager and committed in engaging all the responsible authorities and interested parties in finding a long lasting solution to the doctors welfare and to the working conditions of Hospitals for the benefit of our patients,” said ZHDA.
Under the deal, the doctors will get ZW$5000 every month, a smartphone, a VAYA taxi ride from home, uniforms and diagnostic aids.
The offer is only available to 2000 doctors who are currently employed by the government.