ZIMBABWE’S Ministry of Health and Child Care (MoHCC) has announced that confirmed Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases haveĀ risen to five.
By Michael Gwarisa
Health Permanent Secretary, Dr Agenes Mahomva said the National Microbiology ReferenceĀ Laboratory Center today tested 65 samples and two of these samples tested positive for the Covid-19.
Among the 65 samples tested today, was the repeat test for the sample from the individual whom we reported previously as an inconclusive result. Today, he tested negative for COVID-19.
“Therefore to date, Zimbabwe has five confirmed cases of COVID-19, including one death. The Ministry would also like to advise that the third case was today admitted for treatment under isolation at Beatrice Infectious Disease Hospital. He remains in a stable condition and is assisting our teams in intensified surveillance through contact tracing,” said Dr Mahomva.
The Microbiology reference centre has conducted a total of 165 tests so far where 159 came back negative, one inconclusive and five came positive.
According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), to date, more than 410 000 cases have been recorded while 18 000 fatalities have also been reported globally.