#COVID-19: Zim Records Increase In COVID-19 Local Transmissions As Cases Rise To Seven

ZIMBABWE today recorded an additional two Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases, bringing the total number of cases to seven amidst indications that increased cases were also being recorded in people without any international travel history,  a sign that local transmissions could be on the rise.

By Michael Gwarisa

The new cases were announced by Ministry of Health permanent secretary, Dr Agnes Mahomva  through a daily COVID-19 update where she said the national microbiology reference laboratory centre today tested 23 samples of which two of the samples turned out positive. Amongst the seven positive cases, four have a history of international travel to countries with the virus while three  are local transmissions who contracted the virus from infected persons.

The ministry wold like to report the National Microbiology Reference Laboratory tested 23 samples. Two of these samples tested positive for Covid-19 and both were contacts of the third case. Therefore to date, Zimbabwe has seven confirmed cases of COVID-19, including one death,” said Dr Mahomva.

She added that of the confirmed cases, three were due to contact with an infected person locally. Two cases including the fatality traveled to the United States of America (USA), one traveled to the United Kingdom and another one traveled to Dubai.

“Our teams are currently seized with enhanced surveillance through contact tracing by following up all known contacts of these cases. Therefore, the ministry would like to remind everyone of the need to maintain social distancing by avoiding close contact (1 metre or 3 feet with anyone who is unwell, coughing or sneezing.”

Meanwhile, President Emmerson Mnangagwa has announced a 21 days total shutdown of Zimbabwe in a move set to redice and curb the spread of the disease.




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