GWERU Provincial Hospital Medical Superintendent, Dr Fabian Mashingaidze allegedly attacked the Hospitals’ Sister In Charge, Sr Chenaimoyo Kudzinetsa Masvusvu amidst ongoing power struggles at the health institution.
By Michael Gwarisa
Speaking on the incident, Zimbabwe Professional Nurses Union president, Mr Robert Chiduku said the abuse has been going on for a while at the institution as Dr Mashingaidze is fighting tooth and nail to replace the existing leadership at the hospital and replace it with his cronies.
We would like to condemn verbal, emotional and physical abuse perpetrated on our member Sr Masvusvu, by the aggressive medical Superintendent Dr Fabian Mashingaidze. We are totally disappointed as a union and as profession to have one of our own dehumanized. On the 26th of May 2020, Sr Masvusvu went to the medical superintendent’s office, for an official appointment through the acting senior nursing officer grade II, Matron Bushu.
“Sr Masvusvu was on vacation leave, but had to attend an emergency meeting to where she was attacked. On several occasions, the medical superintendent was making moves to prevent her from heading the new Covid 19 facility. This new facility has ICU equipment which can only be operated by qualified ICU nurses and a qualified Intensive care sister in charge like Sr Masvusvu,” said Mr Chiduku.
He added that the move was part of Mashingaidze’s scheme to prevent Sr Masvusvu from Heading this new department, the medical superintendent started avoiding her although he used to involve her at first. He started displaying this behaviour`, when he learnt that working in the new facility had incentives in US dollars.
“The conflict which was brewing up for sometime, was as a result of clash of interests. The medical superintendent wanted to put his favourites in the new facility. The medical superintendent lied also to relevant stakeholders, stating that the hospital had no intensive care nurse. He further indicated that there was a competent midwife who could manage the new facility. This is not true.
“The hospital has ICU nurses including Sr Masvusvu who is in charge. There are the best intensive care nurses who have actually scooped national prizes in intensive care nursing, with Masvusvu herself being a national silver medalist in ICU nursing, yet the medical superintendent wants to put a midwife (Sr Matsakanure his favourite) who had to write 2 times to pass her midwifery diploma.
There have also been instances where interviews have been fast-tracked in a bid accommodate the medical superintendent allies, according to Mr Chiduku.
“On the 4 th of june 2020, a sister in charge interview was fast-tracked to promote Sr Joseph so that she will help the so called midwife in heading the department (Joseph is one another newly qualified ICU nurse ). Again, under the machinations of Mashingaidze, a new ICN had been taken from another government hospital(Sai) to assist his midwife to manage the facility.
“So this midwife was the one attending covid facility meetings while, Sr Masvusvu was not being informed. So when Sr Masvusvu, arrived in his office he was full of anger because he knew Sr Masvusvu was determined to lead the new facility whether blue or red. He threatened her with change of department ( from ICU to another non-ICU department where her knowledge will never be used).
“This is not new, it has been done on many specialist nurses to fix them. One theatre nurse was put in CSSD and another mental health nurse in charge in a paediatric ward just to fix them. This happened this year.”
Reports also say the Med Superintendent threatened to throw the sister in charge through the window.
“After the threats, he told her to march out of his office. Before she could do anything, he, picked her up. He attempted to vigorously throw her out of his office. She escaped from his aggressive hands helter- skelter to the ground. She landed on the floor with an ear-splitting thud. She started screaming for help.
“Mashingaidze mercilessly left his victim in pain out of arrogance. The Matron who was watching, did not show sympathy, but she went out of the office, leaving her alone. Sources, have it that she has since been roped in to testify against her in court.
“We condemn violence against women. Professional bullying against our member is injury to all nurses. Picking a married woman like an object is dehumanizing her. It’s violence against all women. It’s against the nursing profession. We also condemn the acts of nepotism, corruption and segregation which led to this abuse. We need truth and justice in this matter,” said
Meanwhile, the case has since been reported to Gweru Central police RRB number 4403037 case handler Assistant Inspector Ngawagare.