Despite Testing Positive For HIV, Surviving Sexual Abuse @17 and Attempting Suicide, Thelma Emerges A Victor

CATHERINE Murombedzi has known Thelma for three years. A youth in the Pan African Positive Women’s Coalition- Zimbabwe, (PAPWC-ZIM) and the Zimbabwe Women living with HIV National Forum (ZWLHNF), Thelma is unpredictable and can be happy this moment and withdrawn thereafter. Thelma avoids crowds and noise, usually taking a lone seat during tea breaks. By Catherine Murombedzi, Health Correspondent Unlike youths her age, she is more on the mature side and is selective, very selective when most people are happy to have a full plate of everything when buffet is…

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Sex Workers Panic Over New Condom Prices

SEX workers from most parts of the country have raised a red flag over the new prices of condoms which has gone beyond the reach of many, a situation which could lead to a spike in new HIV infections and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs). By Michael Gwarisa A pack of Durex Condoms now range between ZW$107 and ZW$119 which is twice the price of bread. To worsen the situation, accessing free condoms or Dembare Condoms has also become a challenge. Sex workers who spoke to HealthTimes pleaded with government to…

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Harare Hospital Investigates Horror Labour Case

HARARE Central Hospital (now called Sally Mugabe) says it is investigating a case where one Mrs Valerie Mashiri (37) lost her baby after being ignored by nurses who were on duty on the fateful night. Through their Micro-blogging site, Sally Mugabe Hospital said “We at Sally Mugabe Central Hospital have noted with concern the report detailing the alleged treatment of Mrs Valerie Mashiri on her visit seeking medical care. We would like to state that this is not the way our clients should be treated. We are investigating the matter.

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CSOs Push For Amendment Of Law Inhibiting Adolescents Access To SRH Services

CIVIL Society Organizations (CSOs) are advocating for the amendment of a section of the Public Health Act to remove restrictions for adolescents to access Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) without parental consent. By Patricia Mashiri The existing law allows adolescents to access to SRH services however with limitations regarding access to contraception, sex education and termination of pregnancy which according to CSOs, has led to an increase in spread of HIV/AIDS among adolescents, unplanned pregnancies and illegal termination which in most cases took the young girls lives because most of…

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