THE National Pharmaceutical Company of Zimbabwe (NTAPHARM) says it has secured funding to procure uninterrupted six months supply of cotrimoxazole an antibiotic used for various bacterial infection and is used by people living with HIV who have a CD4 count of less than 250.
By Catherine Murombedzi
Speaking at a sensitization meeting for the Northern Region People Living with HIV, Meaningful Involvement People Living with HIV (MIPA) in Kadoma, Natpharm Acting Director, Mr Davison Vuragu said, “The Global Fund, (GF) has funded the six months purchase of cotrimoxazole. With funding from a donor, we are guided to purchasing and we follow that.
The National Pharmacy (Natpharm) has secured funding for 6 months’ stocks for cotrimoxazole. What each centre is holding is currently all that there is. When exhausted, the Natpharm has non in stock.”
Cotrimoxazole is an antibiotic used for various bacterial infection. It is used by people living with HIV who have a CD4 count of less than 250. Cotri helps fight off infections and with a CD4 Count of less than 250, one is prone to becoming a playground for opportunistic infections.
“The Global Fund, (GF) has funded the six months purchase of cotrimoxazole. With funding from a donor, we are guided to purchasing and we follow that. If it is funding from National Aids Funds (NATF) i.e. Aids Levy, we are able to purchase from local manufacturers, but with this funding, our hands are tied, we follow guidelines,” said Mr Vuragu.
Expired drugs
A participant informed the house that clients in Shamva, Mashonaland Central, had in September, got resupplies of expired medication for 6 months. Mr Vuragu took note of the anomaly and promised to find out and give feedback on the issue.
Second line regimen, mainly atazanavir (AZT) is in short supply in other centres in the province.
Mr Vuragu alluded to delays due to the disturbed shipments under lockdown.
Shelf life