Ndevapi Vakubvumidwza Kufamba ne Kushanda PaLockdown (Essential Services)?

ZVICHITEVERA kutemwa kwakaita matanho matsva e Lockdown kuitira kudzivirira kupararira kwe denda re COVID-19, ve Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) ne hurumende ye Zimbabwe vaburitsa ivo mhando yevanhu ichange ichibvimidzwa kudarika pama road block emapurisa zvisina dambudziko mumazuva makumi matatu arikutevera. Na Michael Gwarisa Izvi zvinotevera kushambadzwa kwe Statutory Instrument kana kuti Si 10.21 inoburitsa pachena kuti munhu anonzi essential service ndeupi uye anobvumidzwa kuenda kubasa kana kushanda ndiyani. Mutauriri we mapurisa va Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi vati ivo ruzhinji rweZimbabwe rwunofanira kugara kudzimba rwuchitevedzera danho relockdown level 4. Va Nyathi…

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ZRP Suspends 4 Officers Over DJ Fantan’s Illegal Mbare Gig

THE Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) has suspended four police officers who were on duty the night Chill Spot Records producer, DJ Fantan hosted a New Year’s Eve bash in Mbare in contravention with the new set COVID-19 rules. By Michael Gwarisa In a statement, ZRP Assistant Commissioner, Paul Nyathi said the four officers acted against the expected ZRP standards by allowing DJ Fantan and crew to have the bash even when government had issued a ban on all gatherings and merrymaking. The ZRP confirms that Superintendent Innocent Makumbe, Inspector Garikai…

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