Her Voice Fund Projects Make Inroads Despite COVID-19

AT least six organizations that received small grants from the Her Voice Fund successfully implemented a number Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) and capacity building initiatives in communities they were operating in despite the restrictions on movement and travel that characterised the year 2020 at the back of a raging COVID-19 pandemic. By Michael Gwarisa The HER Voice Fund grant was allocated by the Global Fund and set aside to support meaningful community engagements and leadership of adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) in a bid help reduce new HIV infections…

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Epione.net’s Mobile & Web-based APP To Help World Re-open Safely In The Midst Of COVID-19

EPIONE.NEt, an organization run by a team of four young Africans has developed ReOpen, an application which allows organisations to conduct digital screenings for their employees, guests and customers as the world gradually eases Covid-19 induced restrictions. Staff Reporter An in interview with a local publication, epione.net Chief Executive Officer Garikai Govati said the application was a game changer would go a long in reducing infections. We  created a new product suite – ReOpen. Here we have enhanced our healthtech solution to allow any organisation in any industry in private…

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