High Prevalence Of infertility In sub-Saharan Africa

SUB-SAHARAN Africa has a high infertility prevalence compared to developed countries such as the UK and USA, an expert says. By Kudakwashe Pembere This was revealed by a Ghanaian fertility specialist Dr Ekem Hiadzi during a media training workshop which was part of the Merck Foundation Community Awareness Program. According to a WHO report from 1987 infertility is the failure of a couple to achieve a pregnancy after 1 year of unprotected intercourse. Primary infertility is if pregnancy has never occurred while secondary is if there has been a preceding…

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Women And Girls Need Post COVID-19 Support

THE COVID-19 pandemic has further widened existing social and economic inequalities between women and men, leaving women and girls prone to Gender Based Violations (GBV) and other societal ills, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) championing women and girls rights have said. By Patricia Mahsiri Speaking during a virtual meeting on the Impact of COVID-19 Stimulus Packages in Zimbabwe on GBV Interventions, Tawanda Zimhunga, Deputy Director Protection Services, Ministry of Public Service Labor and Social Services said when households and communities are placed under pressure, the risk of multiple forms of violence…

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Sinopharm Suits Zimbabwe’s Cold Chain Capacity

UNLIKE other COVID-19 vaccines that were developed using  the Messenger Ribonucleic Acids (M-RNA) technology, vaccines manufactured using a killed/inactivated virus such as the Sinopharm, Sinovac and COVAXIN currently being administered in Zimbabwe do not require expensive subzero cold-chain infrastructure. By Michael Gwarisa The messenger RNA technology was deployed in the Pfizer, Mordena and other vaccines, making such vaccines unsuitable for hot climatic conditions such as the one in Zimbabwean unless the country installs a costly deep freeze airport warehouse, procures and modifies refrigerated vehicles and inoculation points to ensure the…

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