Zim Receives 25 000 More Doses From Russia

ZIMBABWE has received more 25 000 doses of Sputnik-V COVID-19 vaccines from Russia donated by a group by a diamond miner called Alrosa Group.

By Patricia Mashiri

In his acceptance speech Dr John Mangwiro, the Deputy Minister of Health and Child Care advised the general public to get vaccinated before its too late.

I want to urge fellow Zimbabweans that COVID-19 disease is real. Once you feel unusual symptoms like headache, vomiting, difficult in breathing, or anything else, please go to the hospital as early as you can. The disease gets worse over hours or days people will be in bad shape. I want to emphasize that people should go to hospitals and other registered formal places where they can be helped.

“At times people present late at health facilities and we end up loosing them. Most of these cases that succumb would have in seeking professional healthcare. These 25000 doses are the second doses of the 25 000 vaccines we received about three weeks ago and those vaccinated will now be able to be vaccinated in time for their second doses so that they ate fully vaccinated,” Dr Mangwiro said.

He expressed gratitude at the organisations gesture which says has come at a time demand for vaccines has gone up.

“We really appreciate the donation which is going to go a long way in trying to alleviate this COVID-19 pandemic which has ravaged the world. We encourage everybody to be vaccinated, because this is a serious pandemic.”

The cumulative number of people who have received their first dose is 988 746 and 624 894 for the second dose as at 13 July 2021.




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