MSF Donates Over USD 150,000 Worth Of TB Medication To NATPHARM

INTERNATIONAL medical humanitarian organization Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) today handed over a consignment of TB medication to Zimbabwe’s National Pharmaceutical Company (NATPHARM). Health Reporter This is part of MSF’s contribution to ending TB in Zimbabwe. We are happy that Zimbabwe continues to make huge strides in containing and raising awareness on TB, and we congratulate the country for its removal from the list of countries with a high TB burden,” says MSF Country Representative, Dr. Reinaldo Ortuno.    The TB drugs donated today include first-line treatment for Drug sensitive TB and…

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SAT Bemoans COVID-19 Induced Restrictions On SRHR Access

COVID-19 induced restrictions that have been in effect and periodically reviewed since March 2020, have had negative impact on access to Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR). By Patricia Mashiri Speaking during a virtual meeting on adapting to the new normal, Dean Mtata, Youth Officer, SRHR Africa Trust (SAT) said there is need to develop systems that cushion you g people against shocks such as natural disasters and disease pandemics. SRHR services are limited for young people. The lockdown brought in limited movement of people therefore the youths have been…

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Amended Health Act Prohibits Health Workers From Striking

THE newly amended Health Public Act by the government now criminalizes individuals who are members of any trade unions in health services body to organize a job action contrary to the newly gazetted law. Staff Reporter The new amendment also criminalizes health workers to go on a job action for more than 72 hours in any given 14 days period. This attracts a penalty. “Any individual who is a member of governing body of any trade union or representative body of members of the health service which incites or organizes…

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Lawyers Fight Suspension Of Pregnant Student Nurse From Training

SIBONGINKOSI Jacoline Dube, a student nurse at United Bulawayo Hospital (UBH) was suspended from training on May 17 this year following a positive pregnancy test result. Staff Reporter The move by UBH has prompted Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR) to approach the United Bulawayo Hospitals (UBH) seeking Dube’s reinstatement into the programme. In a letter written to UBH Chief Executive Officer Dr Narcisius Dzvanga, Jabulani Mhlanga of ZLHR protested against the discrimination and ill-treatment of the aspiring nurse. Mhlanga said Dube had advised him that on the day the…

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PSMAS Launches Contact Centre

Premier Service Medical Aid Society has launched a new Contact Centre meant to provide an additional platform for efficient and effective support to its members. Own Correspondent The Contact Centre, which started operating this month will provide personalised experience to the members by executing inbound and outbound communication with PSMAS members as well as prospective members. It comes with various interactive platforms that include the Web Chat accessed via the PSMAS website, Facebook, WhatsApp and E-mail. Stakeholders can also contact PSMAS Contact Centre through their telephone lines. Through operationalisation of…

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Zim Receives Another One Million Sinovac vaccines

ZIMBABWE yesterday received one million Sinovac COVID-19 vaccines  procured from China to intensify the fight against COVID-19. By Patricia Mashiri Minister of Finance and Economic Development Mtuli Ncube, said the country had US$92 million for the procurement of vaccines from the United Nation’s vaccines sharing initiative (COVAX) and they were expecting more vaccines. So our vaccination program and vaccine acquisition program is going very well. For the first dose, we are already reaching about 50.000 vaccination per day, which is good going indeed. So all is going well. We feel…

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#BREAKING: The Vaccine Does Not Contain Mark Of The Beast Says Prophet Makandiwa as he Tells People To Get Vaccinated

UNITED Family International Church (UFIC) founder, Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa has announced that those who wish to get vaccinated should go ahead and do so. By Michael Gwarisa In a live broadcast on his YouTube Channel, Prophet Makandiwa said contrary to what has been reported about his sermons before, he does not believe or subscribe to the notion that the COVID-19 Vaccine contains the mark of the  beast.  People are asking me saying Man of God, is there a green light? Should we get vaccinated? I have been ignoring all these…

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Unvaccinated People Constitute Majority Of Deaths and Infections In Harare- New Data

A new report by the Zimbabwean government indicates that more people who have died from COVID-19 in Harare during the ongoing third wave had not been vaccinated. By Michael Gwarisa According to an update on the Admissions and Community Deaths by Vaccination Status that was released by the Chief COVID-19 Coordinator in the Office of the President and Cabinet, Dr Agnes Mahomva, 88.9% of those who have lost their lives to COVID in Harare were unvaccinated. This data was gathered from 207 total number of deaths and mortuary data. The…

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Covid-19 Impacts HIV Programming In Zim

THE National AIDS Council (NAC) and Zimbabwe National Network of People Living with HIV’s (ZNNP+) programs have not been spared by the ravaging COVID-19 pandemic. By Patricia Mashiri Speaking during a virtual meeting on the impact of COVID-19 on HIV programming Dr Bernard Madzima, Chief Executive Officer NAC said the COVID-19 pandemic brought negative affected HIV and AIDS programs in a negative way. COVID-19 was associated with the lockdowns, there was lots of uncertainty and misinformation that really impacted on programming as most HIV programs happen either at a health…

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