… Spur to donate US$0.50 to KidzCan for every dessert purchased
Buffalo Creek Spur, one of Simbisa’s sought brands has today announced a partnership with KidzCan that will see the Simbisa owned restaurant offering financial support to vulnerable children diagnosed and living with cancer.
Under the partnership, Buffalo Creek Spur will donate USD0.50 to KidzCan for every dessert purchased at Spur outlets. Funds from the partnership will assist in providing chemotherapy drugs, radiological and laboratory tests among other services.
Warren Meares, the managing director of Simbisa Brands said, “As Simbisa Brands, we seek to make a positive impact in our community. For this KidzCan partnership, we are saying for each dessert sale that is bought by a customer, US$0.50 will be given to the KidzCan fund. This is an opportunity to also involve the community in supporting the organization. Our aim as Simbisa is to positively impact the community we operate in.”
Buffalo Creek Spur announced the partnership a day after the international community commemorated the International Childhood Cancer Day (ICCD), a global collaborative campaign to raise awareness about childhood cancer and to express support for children and adolescents with cancer, the survivors and their families. The day is commemorated on the 15th of February every year.
This year’s International Childhood Cancer Day was commemorated under the theme of ‘Better Survival’ is achievable #throughyourhands, which is a clear call to everyone to contribute in any way they can to fight cancer. With this contribution, we invite our customers to support this initiative as it gives back to the community,” added Meares, “We have also put in place a facility for customers to donate directly in cash or kind at the Spur outlet in Borrowdale.”
KidzCan was founded by Julie Chapman in New Zealand in 2005. KidzCan Zimbabwe was then formally registered in 2009 as a humanitarian child-centred private voluntary organisation dedicated to increasing the survival rate of children suffering from cancer and blood-related disorders in Zimbabwe.
Since 2009, more than 9000 children were registered and supported by KidzCan. Every year, at least 800 kids are actively consulting with KidzCan while others are getting treatment. About 200 kids are registered with the organisation every year with 60% of them mostly at an advanced stage.
Some of the kids have their conditions realized late, making it difficult for them to respond well to the treatment. This is because of a lack of knowledge and awareness. For this reason, KidzCan has been at the forefront of raising cancer awareness especially among children and young adults.
KidzCan operates at several hospitals in Zimbabwe including, Parirenyatwa group of hospitals- ward A4 Special and C10, Sekuru Kaguvi Eye Hospital, Sally Mugabe Children’s Hospital in Harare and Mpilo Hospital in Bulawayo.
KidzCan also accepts volunteering services and those who wish to volunteer are free to contact KidzCan.