ZIMBABWE is one of the African countries staring food insecurity in the face, with indications that between 40 percent to 60 percent of the country’s population could food insecure by September, 2022.
By HealthTimes Correspondent
A Food Assistance Outlook Brief prepared by the Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) shows in its estimated acutely food insecure populations that only Zimbabwe and Somalia have 40 percent to 60 percent of their populations which are to be food insecure in September 2022. This 40-60percent translates to 5 million to 9.9 million citizens.
Zimbabwe, FEWS NET says poor harvests are the reason why about 10 million Zimbabweans could be plunged into food insecurity.
Below average harvests are expected nationwide due to poor and erratic rainfall during the 2021/22 agricultural season. By September, Crisis (IPC Phase 3) outcomes are likely to have emerged in multiple deficit-producing areas in southern, eastern, and northern areas and needs will rise to levels similar to September 2019, but remain below September 2020,” said FEWS NET.
In Somalia, FEWS NET states that water shortages due to drought is among the reasons why Somalis could find themselves food insecure in September.
“Drought is currently driving water shortages, livestock losses, very high food prices, and displacement. The distribution of large scale assistance throughout 2021 has helped mitigate more severe impacts on food security. However, below-average rainfall in April-June 2022 will not be enough to spur recovery, resulting in widespread Crisis,” the organisation said.
Both Zimbabwe and Somalia are in Phase 3 of the Acute Food Insecurity Phase Descriptions meaning there is a Food insecurity crisis.
“At least 1 in 5 households face significant food consumption gaps with high or above usual acute malnutrition, or is marginally able to meet minimum food needs only with unsustainable coping strategies such as liquidating livelihood assets,” FEWS NET explains the Phase 3.
However, Burkina Faso is in Phase 4 entailing an Emergency situation despite having million to 9.9 million citizens similar to Zimbabwe and Somalia to endure food insecurity by September 2022.
“Some households will begin consuming green harvests, and pastoral households will benefit from improved water and fodder availability with the end of the rainy season. However, high staple food prices and expanding conflict will continue to drive atypically high needs. IDPs and poor households in inaccessible municipalities of Oudalan and Soum provinces are likely to face Emergency (IPC Phase 4) outcomes, while Crisis (IPC Phase 3) outcomes are expected in the north and east,” FEWS NET says.