Framework for Action for Male Engagement in HIV testing, treatment and prevention in East and Southern Africa

Men and boys are less likely to test for HIV, to initiate antiretroviral therapy (ART), to remain engaged in care, and are therefore dying of AIDS-related illnesses and many other diseases at disproportionately higher rates than their female counterparts.[i] This has become increasingly clear over the last decade. Own Correspondent Globally, ART coverage of men lags behind that of women. In many countries in Eastern and Southern Africa, the region with the highest HIV burden, more than half of men aged 24-35 years living with HIV are unaware of their…

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99 Percent Breathing Unhealthy air: WHO

THE World Health Organisation (WHO) says almost the whole world is breathing unhealthy air calling on leaders to address climate change and environment crisis. HealthTimes Reporter This year on April 7, the world commemorates World Health Day running under the theme, “Our Planet, our health.” On this World Health Day (April 7, 2022), WHO is issuing an urgent call for accelerated action by leaders and all people to preserve and protect health and mitigate the climate crisis as part of an “Our planet, our health” campaign marking the organization’s founding…

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