Going Beyond The Legal Framework On Abortion To Save Lives of Women and Girls

By Edinah Masiyiwa Nokutenda Hwaramba was a 15-year-old girl who recently died at a shrine whilst giving birth. Her life, like that of other pregnant girls giving birth in shrines, was cut short for preventable causes and this angers me so much. One of the reasons given for why girls like Nokutenda did not deliver safely in a health center is “church doctrine,”’ which left them under the care of untrained religious people. One wonders why such a doctrine is still allowed in Zimbabwe, a country which signed the Maputo…

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Number of babies dying at birth increase in Zimbabwe

Women not booking at ANC facilities early leading to complications Exodus of healthcare staff leads to poor quality of care for pregnant women THE number of babies dying during birth, moments before birth or a few weeks before and after being born has been going up over the past five years in Zimbabwe largely due to a myriad of factors ranging from failure by pregnant women to book at the ANC on time, infection of babies before, during and after birth as well as declining quality of care in health…

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