Global Fund Allocates US$63 million To Fight Malaria In Zimbabwe

The Global Fund currently has three active investments in Zimbabwe, including one malaria grant of up to US$63 million.

By Michael Gwarisa

This funding is allocated for 2021-2023 and supports Zimbabwe’s continued progress toward ending the three diseases as public health threats. The other two grants comprise one HIV grant of up to US$449 million and a tuberculosis (TB) grant of up to US$26 million.

According to Global Fund, malaria mortality in Zimbabwe has fallen by 75 percent and malaria incidence by 84 percent over the past two decades.

Regarding malaria, much investment and effort is still needed to achieve the target of lowering incidence to the levels targeted by Zimbabwe’s National Malaria Strategic Plan,” said Global Fund.

The “Moving Zimbabwe Towards Malaria Elimination” program was allocated funding of up to US$63 million for 2021-2023 to activate case detection in new locations and refine vector control measures.

“Our investment supports the goals of the National Malaria Strategic Plan, which aims to reduce malaria incidence to 5 cases per 1,000 people and malaria deaths by at least 90% by 2025 (compared to 2015).”

The Global Fund added that the fight against malaria was one of humanity’s most significant public health successes. They noted that great progress was made in malaria control over the last two decades, resulting in a reduction in overall cases and deaths. But after years of steady declines, malaria cases and deaths are on the rise. Today, a child dies of malaria every minute.

Funding has plateaued, drug and insecticide resistance are increasing, and climate change threatens to push malaria transmission into new regions. More than ever before, we must support countries in their efforts to revitalize and sustain the fight against malaria. We must strive to provide better and more equitable access to all health services, vastly increase funding for malaria programs, invest in new approaches and innovations and improve the use of existing tools.



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