Mahumunya/ Mumps Outbreak Hits Harare

An infectious disease, Mumps or Maumunya, has been recorded in Harare, Zimbabwe, raising fears that the disease could spread rapidly in children.

By Staff Reporter

The alert was raised by the Harare City Health Department Director, Dr. Prosper Chonzi who indicated in a statement that cases have already been recorded in health centres and community schools.

We, therefore, request through your wider network to communicate with parents and guardians referencing this letter to mobilise them to bring forward all children and adults who got infected with Mumps to visit their council health centers and cite this letter to their healthcare providers,” said Dr. Chonzi.

He said the signs and symptoms involve swelling of salivary glands (areas on cheeks, under cheeks and below the cheeks) lasting more than two days without apparent cause.

“Other signs include pain on chewing or swallowing, general body weakness, loss of appetite and swelling of testicles for boys.”

According to the American Centre for Diseases Control (CDC), swelling usually peaks in 1 to 3 days and then subsides during the next week. The swollen tissue pushes the angle of the ear up and out.

Through his Micro-blogging account, World Health Organisation (WHO) Zimbabwe Representative, Dr Jean Dangou said, “Mumps can occasionally cause complications, especially in adults. These include – inflammation of the testicles; this may lead to testicular atrophy – inflammation of the ovaries &/or breast tissue – inflammation in the pancreas, the brain & deafness. Prevention measures exist.”

Mumps is a highly contagious disease, which affects adults & children. It spreads via respiratory droplets & contact with saliva. After exposure, it can take 12-25 days for symptoms to appear. Those infected can spread the virus 2 days before & 5 days after symptoms show.



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