By Michael Gwarisa
In a bid to support Zimbabwe’s efforts to curb the souring drug and substance abuse crises, the Embassy of Sweden in Zimbabwe has availed an amount to the tune of US$1.9 Million towards “The Strength is in You” anti-drug campaign.
The US$1.9m grant for the Anti-Drugs Campaign is part of the Swedish Embassy’s overall efforts to address negative practices in Zimbabwe. The campaign is being implemented by the Population Solutions for Health (PSH), and is aimed at raising awareness on the dangers of drug use, provide support for those struggling with addiction, and advocate for stronger policies to prevent drug trafficking and distribution.
Officiating at the launch of the campaign on behalf of the Chairperson of the national committee on drugs and substance abuse by Minister of Defence, Honourable Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri, Deputy Minister of Public Service Labour and Social Welfare, Honorable Mercy Dina paid tribute to the Embassy of Sweden and PSH for supporting government’s efforts on drug and substance abuse.
I am reliably informed that this campaign aims to restore the lost human and community functionality by enlivening hope, self-esteem, and sustenance of the concerned individuals and communities,” said Honorable Dina.
“Allow me to thank Population Solutions for Health for your efforts in complementing the ongoing crucial steps and interventions undertaken by the Government to curb the scourge of drug and substance abuse in the country. Your interventions are in support of the development philosophy by His Excellency the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe that Nyika Inovakwa, Inotongwa Nevene Vayo. Protecting citizens from drug and substance abuse is a necessity in national building.”
She added that drug and substance abuse was now a major public health and social concern affecting individuals, families, and communities worldwide.
“It has far-reaching consequences leading to poor health outcomes, social and economic problems, psychosocial effects, and a range of other negative outcomes. Drugs are destroying lives and families, and are undermining the social fabric of our beautiful nation.”
The Strength Is In You campaign, works with people with lived experiences to share their stories publicly on how they overcame drugs.
The Ambassador of Sweden to Zimbabwe, Per Lingard said ending drug and substance use in Zimbabwe demands collective effort.
“The campaign will also collaborate with influencers who appeal to young people to encourage open dialogue and equip them with skills to resist drugs. The influencers will also appeal to parents, families, and the wider community to help those who are struggling with drug addiction. This is acknowledging that stand-alone information activities and campaigns only targeting the drug users do not in isolation result in effective prevention,” said Ambassador Lingard.
The Strength is in You/Simba Riri Mauri/Amadnlda Akuwe campaign is a Multimedia and community based movement that aims at reducing drug and substance use among at-risk adolescents, men, and women. The campaign seeks to achieve this by increasing knowledge about the negative effects of drug and substance use on sexual reproductive health, mental health, and gender-based violence. The campaign was co-created with people who use and inject drugs using Human Centred Design (HCD) approaches.
Meanwhile, in Zimbabwe, Young people are the most affected and struggling with drug use and addiction challenges. According to a survey conducted in 2023 by PSH, 43% of young people interviewed across Harare and Bulawayo had engaged in one or more forms of drug use at some point in their lives. Relatedly, the global trends on Drug and Substance Abuse also indicate that the abuse of drugs and harmful substances results in 3.3 million deaths each year, less than half of the population drinks alcohol and at least 15.3 million persons have drug use disorders.
The Government of Zimbabwe is working to address the drug issue through various preventive, treatment, psycho-social support, and aftercare interventions in combating the proliferation of Drugs and Substance Abuse in the country. The initiatives are undertaken under the auspices of the seven pillars of the National Committee on Drugs and Substance Abuse which include Supply Reduction, Demand Reduction, Harm Reduction, Treatment and Rehabilitation, Community Reintegration, Media and Communication, Legal and Policy as well as Resource Mobilization.”
At the moment, the Zimbabwe’s National Committee is finalising the Multi-Sectoral Drug and Substance Abuse Plan 2024 – 2030. We are grateful to the stakeholders for their support and input in developing the plan. Government is also in the process of drafting the National Youth Bill and rebranding the National Youth Service all these efforts are aimed at providing mechanisms for mainstreaming Youths in social, economic, and political spaces, as well as the sustenance of Vocational Training Centres as hubs for local community development.