The intrinsic role of nutrition during breast cancer treatment

By Caroline Chiimba Breast cancer is a disease that affects millions of women and a percentage of men globally, and the role of nutrition in breast cancer treatment cannot be understated. A healthy diet can play a crucial role in supporting the body’s immune system, managing side effects of treatment, and promoting overall well-being during and after treatment. While the Breast cancer awareness month is coming to an end, the fight against cancer continues. Ruvimbo Danda, a renowned dietitian cited that cancer treatment can negatively affect one’s health due to…

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Family led MAUC: Fighting Malnutrition amid El-Nino drought

By Caroline Chiimba Placing mothers at the center of malnutrition screening strategies acknowledges that they are in the best position to detect the earliest signs of malnutrition in their children. Using a multifaceted approach to fighting malnutrition in vulnerable communities, the EU funded ‘Enhanced Resilience for Vulnerable Households in Zimbabwe’ (ERVHIZ) project trained more that eighteen thousand households to screen for malnutrition using MAUC tapes in Matebeleland’s six districts. Through the Care group model, Nutrition Action Zimbabwe in partnership with Ministry of Health under the ERVHIZ project distributed MAUC tapes…

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Care groups as a vehicle for Supporting breastfeeding mothers

By Caroline Chiimba Breastfeeding gives children the healthiest start in life, as breast-milk promotes cognitive child development and acts as a baby’s first vaccine, giving babies a critical boost. Nutrition Action Zimbabwe (NAZ) joins the world in commemorating World Breastfeeding Week celebrated from 1-7 August under the theme, ‘Closing the gap: Breastfeeding support for all.’ In its programming, NAZ has always placed emphasis on exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months and continued breastfeeding with appropriate complimentary feeds up to two years and beyond. Breastfeeding proffers lifesaving benefits and is…

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