In 2025, Lets Unite In Tackling Gender-Based Violence and Child Marriages In Zimbabwe

By Edinah Masiyiwa During the final weeks of 2024, two events made me think deeply about gender-based violence and what more we can do in 2025 to address it. The first was a film screening organized by the British Embassy titled India’s Daughter. The film tells the story of Jyoti Singh, a 23-year-old medical student who was brutally assaulted by a group of men on a minibus while returning home from watching a movie. She succumbed to her injuries a few days later. As the film played, the room was…

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2025 Budget Should Prioritise Post Abortion Care

By Edinah Masiyiwa As the country undergoes the budgeting process for the year 2025, it is time for the Zimbabwe Ministry of Health and Child Welfare to prioritise women’s access to maternal health services. The focus especially should be put on comprehensive abortion care guidelines as it greatly contributes to a reduction of maternal mortality. This article will focus on the importance of having a well-funded post-abortion care programme. Zimbabwe has the highest contraception prevalence rate in sub – Saharan Africa but also one of the highest maternal mortality ratios…

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Zim’s New Age Of Consent Law Wont Address Unintended Pregnancies Crises

By Edinah Masiyiwa In response to the pressure from early marriages and the rise of adolescent pregnancy, a new law was passed in Zimbabwe that raised the age for sexual consent from 16 to 18 years. This is known as the Criminal Laws Amendment (Protection of Children and Young Persons Act 2024) and it criminalises having sex with persons under the age of 18 years. The law also criminalises deliberate infection of the child with HIV or any other sexually transmitted disease. This is a law that has been passed because Zimbabweans…

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Experts Warn of Funeral Scams: How to Avoid Them

By Own Correspondent As funerals grow increasingly expensive, with attended services in Australia averaging $8,745 and larger events reaching up to $15,000, it’s become more important than ever for Australian families to protect themselves from being ripped off. Not only do the exorbitant costs of a funeral warrant extra scrutiny and care, but falling prey to a scam can further compound the financial hardship, adding to the emotional toll on grieving families. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has noted a significant rise in complaints related to funeral services…

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The Adultification of Pregnant Children Seeking Antenatal Care in Harare

By Chipo Tsitsi Mlambo The adultification of pregnant children refers to a bias in which adults treat minors as if they possess the maturity and understanding of adults. In Zimbabwe, this bias is particularly evident when pregnant children seek antenatal care in urban centers like Harare. Phrases such as “Watoo amai, watokura” (You are now a mother, you are a grown-up) or “Wakaita zvevakuru” (You engaged in a grown-up act i.e. sex) imply that once a girl becomes pregnant, she is no longer viewed as a 14 or 15- year-old…

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The reality behind the ‘Chinese debt trap’ myth in Africa

By Hannah Ryde For years, there have been sweeping concerns of African countries falling “victim” to a Chinese “debt trap” – whereby Chinese lenders provide unsustainable loans to African countries. Such narratives are problematic, as African countries are portrayed as inferior or incompetent in their engagement with Chinese creditors, while their Chinese counterparts are presented as predatory in their engagement with Africa. Indeed, throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, we witnessed these narratives emerging once again, despite vast amounts of data debunking this theory. This narrative is also extremely harmful, as it…

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Monkeypox: A Global Health Threat – who sounds the Alarm?

By Dr. Amit Singh Monkeypox is a viral disease of animal origin. It occurs primarily in tropical rainforest areas of Central and West Africa and is occasionally exported to other regions.  Common symptoms of mpox include a rash which may last for 2–4 weeks. This may start with, or be followed by, fever, headache, muscle aches, back pain, low energy and swollen glands (lymph nodes). The rash looks like blisters or sores, and can affect the face, palms of the hands, soles of the feet, groin, genital and/or anal regions.…

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Collaboration In Workplace Mental Health Leads To A Healthier Workforce

By Abigail T.S. Mudokwani The World Health Organisation (WHO), estimates that depression and anxiety cause twelve billion lost working days annually, and that the diminished productivity caused by these two mental health issues alone costs the world economy $1 trillion (USD) annually. As a result, there is an increasing need for creating psychologically safe work environments. As employers deepen their focus on mental health, a debate has inadvertently been sparked on who between the employer and the employee is responsible for workplace mental health. One school of thinking holds that…

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Major Unethical Medical Experiments That Rocked Zimbabwe

By Michael Gwarisa Ethics can be defined as principles of morality, particularly those dealing with right or wrong of an action. Just like any profession, medical practitioners are expected to adhere to ethical practices in their day to day conduct as the profession involves saving lives and restoring hope in people. The profession is more than just a white coat where professionalism should transcend technical expertise. A report on Ethics in the medical field by Avalon University states that Ethical practices lead to more informed decisions, fewer errors, and better…

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The Church’s Role In Addressing Mental Health Challenges Amongst Believers

By Chaplain Simbarashe Chenjerai The world is facing a plethora of challenges such wars, famines, unemployment, droughts, cyclones among other ills. This has resulted in a number of public health challenges including mental health related woes. Over the years, there has been an increase in the incidence of drug and substance abuse, depression, anxiety among other mental health challenges. It is against this background that this article seeks to explore the role of the Church in addressing the growing mental health scourge. Christians and believers are not immune to mental…

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