By Michael Gwarisa The prevailing inflationary environment has eroded the value of local currency-denominated medical aid packages, resulting in claims for Spectacles going through the ceiling over the past 12 months. While the volume of annual spectacle claims has been declining over the period 2021 to 2023, the same cannot be said about the values of both foreign currency and local currency-denominated spectacle claims. Speaking in an exclusive interview with HealthTimes, Association of Healthcare Funders Zimbabwe (AHFoZ) Chief Executive Officer, Ms Shylet Sanyanga said volumes of annual spectacles claims have…
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COVID-19 Leads To Spike In Respiratory And Spectacles Medical Aid Claims In Zim
THE Association of Healthcare Funders of Zimbabwe (AHFoZ), which is the umbrella body for all medical aid companies in Zimbabwe says there has been an upsurge in respiratory and Eye related medical aid claims during the COVID-19 period. By Michael Gwarisa Speaking during a virtual meeting recently, AHFoZ Chief Executive Officer, Ms Shylet Sanyanga said, “In terms of the impact of COVID-19, we noticed that since the beginning of the pandemic and since the first case was diagnosed here in Zimbabwe, there has been an increase of respiratory related claims…
Read MoreHIV+ Pastor Raps Bogus HIV Cure Claims
ONE of the first clerics to televise his HIV status in Zimbabwe Reverend Maxwell Kapachawo, on Tuesday, slated his pastoral counterparts for misleading their congregants by claiming they have HIV/AIDS cure. By Kudakwashe Pembere This blasting comes barely a month after PHD Ministries leader Prophet Walter Magaya’s proclamation during a Sunday Church Service that he had found a cure for the disease. Speaking at the launch of the 2018 to 2019 World Aids Campaign Theme and Logo by National Aids Council of Zimbabwe, the vocal priest took a swipe at…
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