Zim’s Termination Of Pregnancy Act Anti Women- Women CSOs

ZIMBABWE’S Termination of Pregnancy ACT is not only archaic but takes away women’s body autonomy and power to make decisions about their Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), women led Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) have said. By Patricia Mashiri According CSOs, the country’s Termination of Pregnancy ACT is not inclusive but dictates circumstances and conditions under which the pregnancy of a woman may be terminated. Ms Ednah Masiyiwa, Executive Director Women Action Group said the Termination of pregnancy Act is non-operational and does not meet the needs of the…

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Zim Still Stuck With Archaic Termination Of Pregnancy Law

ZIMBABWE  this week joined the rest of the world in commemorating the Safe Abortions day albeit the country is still operating under a 43-year-old Termination of Pregnancy ACT which prevents women from accessing safe abortion at health institutions even though evidence suggests that majority of the country’s maternal deaths are as a result of haemorrhaging due to unsafe abortions, a legal expert has said. By Michael Gwarisa The country’s existing Termination of Pregnancy Act (TOP ACT V (No. 29  of 1977) was adopted in 1977 and only permits women to…

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To Or Not To Legalise Abortion, Zimbabwe’s Legal Dilemma

ABORTION has been a contentious issue in Zimbabwe and the world over, with governments and civil society organisations clashing on numerous platforms over the morality, acceptability and legality of the practice. By Michael Gwarisa The United States government under the current Donald Trump administration does not support abortion, neither does it provide funding for organisations which support abortion. In Zimbabwe, not only is abortion taboo but is in most instances associated with loose morals and first degree murder as it involves the termination of a fetus (life) from its mother’s…

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