THE the Ministry of Health and Child Care (MoHCC), has launched a national validation committee to manage and monitor the Elimination of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV (EMTCT) and Syphilis. By Michael Gwarisa The committee comprises of experts in various spheres of the health industry, legal experts, health rights activists and people living with HIV. The Secretariat will include the National Aids Council Chief Executive Officer, Dr Tapuwa Mugure and the World Health Organisation. The committee is also made up of Principal Director prevention services in the MoHCC Dr Gibson…
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Parirenyatwa Turns Up Heat In Health Sector…Its Not Business As Usual
WELL, if there is any man who is having sleepless nights over how he could transform fortunes of the health sector and probably save his job then that man is none other than Honorable Dr David Parirenyatwa, the minister of health and child care. By The Crazy Doctor Parirenyatwa has served as health minister for more than 15 years under the ZANU PF government. Truth be told, the health sector suffered massive collapse and decadence, with most public health institutions turning into white elephants and health museums during this period.…
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