Closure Of Schools Not An Option

EVEN though the country has begun recorded pockets of new infections especially in schools, it is  not wise to close schools at the moment, Public Health Experts have warned. By Patricia Mashiri Schools especially in Mbereengwa have been recording new COVD-19 infections of late, prompting some parents to push for closure of the schools before the situation spirals out of control. However, local health experts believe the situation was still under control and there was no need for halting studies. Speaking to HealthTimes, Mr Itai Rusike, the Executive Director for…

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Dr Grant Murewanhema

ZIMBABWE witnessed its third spike of COVID-19 in the past 24 hours, confirming 73 positive cases, and unfortunately also witnessed a facility death of a young female patient, aged 21, bringing the total number of officially reported deaths to 8. We should always note the careful choice of words, such as officially reported, and confirmed. By Dr Grant Murewanhema THE COVID-19 SITUATION IN THE COUNTRY So do we know the actual COVID-19 situation in Zimbabwe? How accurate are the numbers we report, and are we doing enough community testing? I…

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#Talking COVID-19 With Dr Grant: COVID-19 And Lessons For Africa

Dr Grant Murewanhema

THE world is currently undergoing one of the worst challenges ever; something nobody had foreseen. Millions of people have been infected by the novel coronavirus; hundreds of thousands have died, and a lot more have battled for their lives. By Dr Grant Murewanhema Governments have imposed lockdowns, and productivity has gone down. The developed world, especially the UK, USA and American countries have been hardest hit by the pandemic, and many of these are struggling to cope on many fronts. Economies are expected to crash following protracted periods of suppressed…

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