“Veld fires start from glowing ash: The numbers dismissed today as small, can offset the gains made in the national HIV response in the near future.” By Catherine Murombedzi (Internews Health Journalism Network, Mercury Phoenix Trust HIV/AIDS 2023 Fellowship) ZIMBABWE should set aside domestic financial resources to deal with the rising number of people living with HIV (PLHIV) resistant to the treatment of first resort, commonly known as the first line treatment. Donors do not fund second and third line treatment drugs, making this a key health priority for the…
Scrap Import Duty and VAT on Condoms…Partners Plead With Gvt, As Zimbabwe Records 15 Million Condom deficit
RELIANCE on donor funding for the National Condom program, coupled with a restrictive tax regime has resulted in Zimbabwe failing to meet its condom obligation of 173 million condoms per year, a development that could reverse progress made so far in the HIV response, HealthTimes has learnt. By Michael Gwarisa Zimbabwe’s national condom program comprise of public sector condoms, private sector condoms and Social Marketing condoms. However, increased donor fatigue has seen major donors such as the USAID and PEPFAR cutting their funding towards the procurement of public sector and…
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