PSZ takes SRH services to Madziwa’s doorstep

By Kuda Pembere recently in Madziwa On Wednesday, November 27, Population Services Zimbabwe (PSZ) delivered crucial Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) services to Shamva District in Mashonaland Central under a project titled Self-Care. Scores of people gathered at the PSZ tent, where the organization provided free reusable pads to school-aged children and jadelle implants to adolescents and young women aged 10 to 24 years. The Self-Care project, funded by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) under the Safeguarding Young People program, is supported by the Swiss Development Cooperation and the Embassy…

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A Double Dose To The GBV Fight: Gweru One Stop-Centre and Safe Shelter Linkages Help Ease Referral Pathways For Survivors Of Gender-Based Violence

By Michael Gwarisa recently in Shurugwi In 2012, Sharon Hove (Not-Real Name), married the love of her life in one of the fanciest weddings Gweru has ever hosted.  They had two children together. Life was normal and all was going so well. However, the honeymoon was not to last long as her husband changed into a total stranger and started abusing her. At the just-held International Women’s Day Commemorations in Shurugwi, Sharon took a bold stance and narrated her abuse story in the presence of hundreds of people at Chitora…

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