“We never said Sexual Consent Age Should Be Reduced To 12”

PARLIAMENTARY Portfolio Committee on Health Chairperson, Dr Ruth Labode says the committee’s plea for government to avail Sexual Reproductive Health and contraceptives to adolescents and young girls was misquoted and misrepresented. By Michael Gwarisa In an interview with HealthTimes, Dr Labode says her committee has always been pushing for government to consider availing sexual reproductive health services such as contraceptives to young girls and boys to avoid unwanted pregnancies and the spread of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs). “We were actually at an induction workshop in Kadoma, we have been pushing…

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Free Blood For Pregnancy Complications…As Government Avails $4 Million Blood Subsidy

THE ministry of health and Child Care (MoHCC) has provided a $4,25 million subsidy to the National Blood Services  (NBSZ) that will see the cost of blood dropping from the current $80 to $50, a top ministry official has said. HealthTimes Reporter Speaking of the development, Health ministry permanent secretary, Brigadier, Dr Gerald Gwinji said the subsidy would go towards subsiding blood at public institutions. “$4,25 million has been availed through the Health Levy to subsidise the cost of blood which was at $80 to $50 at public institutions. “$8…

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