We Are Not Moved By Minister Moyo’s Threats Says Striking Doctors

STRIKING junior doctors find Health and Child Care Minister Dr Obadiah Moyo’s threats appalling urging him to come up with ways to capacitate them. By Kudakwashe Pembere This follows the Health Minister’s remarks on Saturday that striking doctors now on their 36th off duty would face disciplinary action should they fail to return to work on Monday. Addressing doctors at a demonstration at the Health Service Board offices, Zimbabwe Hospital Doctors Association Acting Secretary General Dr Tawanda Zvakada said the Health Minister’s statement not have been sinister. We are aware…

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Health Workers Reject Salary Increase

THE Zimbabwe Health Apex Council has rejected the 60% cost of living adjustment which has been tabled by the Health Services Bipartite Negotiating panel. By Michael Gwarisa In a circular, the Health Apex council said  in as much as they appreciate government’s decision to adjust their salaries by 60% from the previous 10%, it still falls short from addressing the myriad of challenges bedeviling health professionals on a daily basis. Health Services negotiating panel Government has put on the table a  cost of living adjustment of 60% from the previous…

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