MATABELELAND South (Mat South) has an HIV prevalence of 20%, a figure higher than the national prevalence which currently stands at 11.6%, making it the provinces with highest number of people living with HIV in the country. By Michael Gwarisa Zimbabwe has a total 1.3 million people living with HIV and basing on the national HIV and AIDS prevalence percentage of 11.6%, this translates to one in every nine people living with HIV across the country. Giving an epidemic update, National AIDS Council (NAC) Monitoring and Evaluation National Coordinator, Mr…
Zimbabwe Records Significant Decline In AIDS Deaths
ZIMBABWE’S AIDS mortality has significantly declined from a high of 488 people in 2010 to 137 people per 100,000 people living with HIV in 2020, indicating a 71.9% decline in AIDS deaths over the past decade, the National AIDS Council (NAC) has revealed. By Michael Gwarisa The development also follows revelations that the number of people living with HIV across the country was stabilizing as a result of increased number of people who are on Antiretroviral Treatment (ART). Making an HIV estimates presentation during a virtual 2021 Global Aids Monitoring…
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