One Health and Climate: Dr. Onyango Speaks On Transforming Africa’s Health Resilience

By Michael Gwarisa In 2024, African health ministers adopted a 10-year framework to build climate-resilient and sustainable health systems across the continent. This framework aims to guide World Health Organization (WHO) African region member states in translating global climate and health initiatives into concrete, actionable steps at the country level. For over a decade, the WHO has collaborated with member states and partners on policies and research initiatives to strengthen multisectoral efforts on health and environmental issues in Africa. These initiatives focus on creating strategies and frameworks that address the…

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Zim revises One Health AMR Action Plan

By Kuda Pembere Zimbabwe has completed its revised edition of the Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) One Health Action Plan, the Health and Child Care Minister Dr Douglas Mombeshora said. With assistance from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO), the Ministry of Health and Child Care (MoHCC), the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water, Climate and Rural Development, as well as the Ministry of Environment spearheaded the process which began in May this year. In addition to helping to build evidence-based policies…

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Major Boost For Zimbabwe’s AMR Fight


ZIMBABWE has secured two flagship grants namely the Fleming Fund and Multi-Partner Trust Fund Grants to strengthen capacity through strengthening Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) detection and surveillance in the country. By Michael Gwarisa The two grants are being financed by the United Kingdom and the Netherlands governments. The UK is financing the Fleming Fund grant which is worth over US$5 Million and is being implemented and led by the Food Agricultural Organization (FAO). Officiating at the launch of the two grants which also coincided with the commissioning of the National Microbiology…

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One Health: Africa And Asia Should Collaborate To End Zoonotic Diseases Spread

FOR several decades, Africa and Asia have been major hot-spots and sources of Zoonotic diseases that have led to some of the world’s deadliest diseases outbreaks. Zoonotic diseases (also known as zoonoses) are caused by germs that spread between animals and people. By Michael Gwarisa Some of the major Zoonotic diseases that have emerged from Africa include Ebola which is believed to have originated from fruit Bats, there is also still confusion over the origins of AIDS which is believed by some scientist to have come from primates in the…

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