FRIENDS and family are an integral part of cancer care and support. Not only does cancer affect one’s physical health, it heavily weighs down on the patient’s mental health and that of family and caregivers. The anxiety and depression that kicks in following a cancer diagnosis is unimaginable. A cancer diagnosis could mean anything, and without the right support system in the form of friends, family, colleagues and peers, the worst could happen. The month of October the world over has been set aside as Breast Cancer Awareness Month and…
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One In Every 60 People In Need of Palliative Care in Zim
THE Ministry of Healthy and Child Care (MoHCC), is working on assimilating palliative care into health planning and programing amidst indications that the need for palliative care has grown as a result of the increase in Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs) in the country. By Michael Gwarisa Palliative care is a multidisciplinary approach to specialized medical and nursing care for people with life-limiting illnesses. It focuses on providing relief from the symptoms, pain, physical stress, and mental stress at any stage of illness. According experts, most patients die early from life…
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