Government commends Universities, local industry for PPE production

VICE  President and Minister of Health and Child Care(MoHCC), Dr Constantino Chiwenga has applauded local universities and local industries for producing high quality Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs), and urged them to go a step further in producing local medicines so as to reduce medical importations. By Patricia Mashiri Speaking during State Universities and local industries PPEs exhibition coordinated by the National Pharmaceuticals held under the theme “Enhancing The Availability Of Locally Made PPEs Through Collaboration With State Universities and local manufacturers,” Vice President Chiwenga said the exhibition was  clear testimony…

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“We Cant Be A Country Of Merchants, We Need To Start Manufacturing Own Medicines” Prof Murwira

ZIMBABWE should move from being the sole importer and consumer of imported medicines if it is to achieve Universal Health Coverage (UHC) for all, acting Health and Child Care Minister, Professor Amon Murwira has said. By Michael Gwarisa Zimbabwe currently imports about 90 percent of its drugs and medical equipment with majority of the medications coming through from development partners and donors such as  UNDP, UNICEF, USAID, UNFPA and others. In 2019, drugs and medical commodities that passed through NatPharm from development partners  was worth over US$130 million. Officiating at…

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