Free Body Scan or Free Body Scam? Health experts warn against unscrupulous herbal merchants offering Free Body Scan services

By Michael Gwarisa Could it be another version of E-Creator or any of those Ponzi schemes that have hogged the headlines in the past? Zimbabwe is witnessing a surge in Multi-level Marketing (MLM) or Network Marketing companies offering “Free Body Scan” services to convince unsuspecting and desperate health-seeking citizens to buy their herbal products. The collapse of the healthcare sector over the years largely characterised by massive skills flight, shortage of commodities and poor working and living standards for healthcare workers, has left citizens with no option but to seek…

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Newly formed pastors’ organization to promote safe use of traditional medicines

AN organization comprising of faith healers practicing traditional medicine was launched on Thursday with its main aim being to contribute to the Zimbabwe’s National Health Strategy through promotion of proper use of traditional medicines. By Kuda Pembere Officiating the launch of the International Medical Missionary Africa Society (IMMAS), the Deputy Minister of Health and Child Care Dr John Mangwiro encouraged traditional medical practitioners to preserve human lives. As this kind of missionary work falls under the Ministry of Health and Child Care, the event therefore is a constant reminder of…

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Zim faith healers fingered frequent buyers of vultures to lure congregants

By Kuda Pembere Birdlife Zimbabwe has engaged faith healers registered under the Traditional Medical Practitioners Council of Zimbabwe (TMPCZ) following its findings from a market survey it did that vultures or parts thereof were being used for crowd pulling, clairvoyance, to mention but these. BirdLife Zimbabwe is an association which advocates for the protection and wellbeing of birds. In Zimbabwe which is home to six species of vultures found across the world, they learned in a survey they did with the National University of Science and Technology (NUST) that vultures…

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Faith healers register in hoards following TMPCZ directive

OVER 1 100 faith healers with others still coming in have heeded to the directive of registering with the Traditional Medical Practitioners Council of Zimbabwe (TMPCZ), HealthTimes has learned. By Kuda Pembere In March, the TMPCZ issued a notice ordering the registration of faith healers in order to obtain practicing licenses.  This comes on the back of a directive by the Ministry of Health and Child Care that all faith healers and herbalists from both churches and traditional religion should be bound by a set of regulations in line with…

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