THE 7th edition of the Tobacco Atlas report has placed Zimbabwe in the top 1o list of countries with the highest tobacco related deaths in females on the African continent. By Michael Gwarisa The deaths are linked to the increased prevalence in smoking habits at the back of affordability of tobacco products and aggressive marketing by in Africa by tobacco companies. According to the 7th edition of Tobacco Atlas report, with its rapidly growing populations and rising life expectancy, an increase in the number of smokers combined with more years…
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Tobacco Selling Season Triggers GBV In Guruve Married Couples
GURUVE district in Mashonaland Central province has over the past few weeks witnessed a surge in cases of Gender Based Violence (GBV) amongst married couples. By Michael Gwarisa In Guruve Speaking in an interview with HealthTimes on the sidelines of a National AIDS Council (NAC) Editors and Station Managers tour of the province, Guruve District AIDS Action Committee chairperson, Mr Starves Nyangwaru said the GBV was emanating from disputes related to misappropriation of tobacco sales funds mainly by the husbands. In terms of GBV here in Guruve especially looking at…
Read MoreFDA Authorizes Marketing of IQOS Tobacco Heating System with ‘Reduced Exposure’ Information
THE U.S. Food and Drug Administration authorized the marketing of Philip Morris Products S.A.’s “IQOS Tobacco Heating System” as modified risk tobacco products (MRTPs). By Michael Gwarisa This marks the second set of products ever to be authorized as MRTPs and the first tobacco products to receive “exposure modification” orders, which permits the marketing of a product as containing a reduced level of or presenting a reduced exposure to a substance or as being free of a substance when the issuance of the order is expected to benefit the health…
Read MoreWomen Now Using Tobacco To Shrink Their Private Parts
WOMEN are now applying tobacco powder and other tobacco related products on their private parts in the belief that it shrinks their genitals, increase sexual pleasure and raises the odds of getting pregnant. By Michael Gwarisa The practice of applying tobacco to the lady parts is now popular in most West African countries and has also spread to other African countries including Zimbabwe. Tobacco or “miracle recipe” as it is now called in West African countries “increases sexual pleasure tenfold” or “sends a man into the seventh heaven” and this…
Read MoreTobacco Smoking Increases In Teenagers
…Experts Call For New Technologies To Fight Tobacco Harm… By Michael Gwarisa from Nairobi, Kenya AFRICA is recording a massive increase in cases of child smokers with children between the ages of 13 and 15 being the biggest victims owing to peer pressure as well as the cheap pricing of cigarettes in most African markets. The call comes amidst indications of increased cases on Child smokers in Africa with high cases having been recorded in West Africa, East and other some parts Southern Parts of Africa. Speaking during a Tobacco…
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