Zimbabwe Needs To Revive Abstinence Message In HIV Programming

By Michael Gwarisa While Zimbabwe has made significant strides in addressing the HIV burden, there is a need for renewed messaging regarding HIV prevention to sustain the gains realised, health experts have said. Zimbabwe is among the few African countries that have attained the UNIADS 95-9-95 targets in adults. Over the past four years, there has been a decline in HIV prevalence from approximately 12% in 2020 to 11.58% in 2023. However, emerging new challenges such as depressed domestic and international funding for HIV prevention programs such as condoms, poor…

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Over 20 Zimbabwean MPs Appointed Into Global Parliamentary Platform on HIV and AIDS

By Michael Gwarisa A new Global Parliamentary Platform on HIV and AIDS has been established at the ongoing International AIDS Conference in Munich, Germany in a bid to build momentum to end AIDS ahead of the 2030 target. The new platform is set to provide the space, tools, and other resources to unite, strengthen, and amplify the leadership of parliamentarians committed to ending AIDS and new HIV transmissions. From Zimbabwe, over 20 Members of Parliament (MPs) mainly from the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Health and Child Care led by Hon…

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Zimbabwe’s Integrated Specimen Transportation Boosts Viral Load Coverage Across the Country

“We have managed to reach the 95% target because we are managing to collect the Viral Load samples and we are managing to get the results of the tests.” By Michael Gwarisa To fast-track progress towards ending AIDS by 2030, Zimbabwe has increased Viral Load (VL) testing coverage in almost all 63 districts, following the rollout of an Integrated Specimen Transportation (IST) system. The widespread rollout of the IST system commenced in 2021 and has since spread to all 2000 health facilities under the Ministry of Health and Child (MoHCC).…

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HIV among the elderly, a unique emerging Public Health Concern in Zimbabwe

Gogo Chiware (78) (Not her real name), lives with her elderly husband in Hatfield, Harare. She has been living with HIV for the past 15 years and she has been on treatment for 13 years now. However, due to her advanced age, she at times forgets to take her Antiretroviral (ARV) medications. By Michael Gwarisa She has a poor support system as her husband who is also living with HIV, is now experiencing dementia and this compounds Gogo Chiware’s woes as there is no one to remind her to take…

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Woman Infected With HIV By Her Boyfriend

In this era of Mjolo (Casual sex and dating), a lot is at stake. The risk perception for HIV, especially in the the young generation at times known as Ama 2k, has greatly declined simply because people are no longer dying of AIDS as was the case two decades ago. By Nthokozo Gudu A number of factors at play expose the young generation especially young adolescent girls and young women to the risk of contracting HIV. According to UNAIDS, in Sub Saharan Africa, HIV now wears a young girls and…

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UNAIDS Optimistic AIDS Will End By 2030 Despite Setback in Mosaic HIV Vaccine

The end of the Mosaico HIV vaccine trial must lead to a continued drive to innovate as well as an urgency to ensure that proven HIV prevention and treatment options reach all who need them, says UNAIDS. By Staff Reporter Rapid progress against the HIV pandemic is possible if existing prevention and treatment options are made available through the sharing of technologies, expanding provision, and tackling barriers to access. The development, and sharing, of long-acting prevention and treatment options are also important to expand coverage. The disappointment of the vaccine…

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Criminalisation has hurt sex workers and perpetuated the AIDS pandemic

Responding to the decision of South Africa’s Cabinet to propose a Bill that will repeal criminalisation of sex work, UNAIDS Country Director Eva Kiwango said: “The evidence is clear: Criminalisation has been proven to have increased the risks faced by South Africa’s sex workers, hurt their health and safety, and obstructed South Africa’s HIV response. UNAIDS welcomes South Africa’s Cabinet’s proposal to repeal criminalisation and to protect sex workers against abuse and exploitation. Criminalisation has impeded South African sex workers’ access to vital health-care services, including effective HIV prevention, treatment,…

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Condoms “Too Small” For Some Zimbabwean Men says MP

MUFAKOSE Legislator, Honorable Susan Matsunga has asked government, the National AIDS Council (NAC) and all partners involved in the procurement and distribution of condoms to consider the size of sexual organs for some Zimbabwean men whenever they place orders from manufactures overseas. By Michael Gwarisa She made these remarks during a question and answer session at a High Level Advocacy Meeting to Discuss Bottlenecks Affecting the Condom Market in Zimbabwe that was held in Harare weeks ago. I am an MP in my constituency and I get feedback from the…

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UNAIDS To Launch The “Dangerous Inequalities” World AIDS Day Report Next Week

UNAIDS World AIDS Day report 2022 will be launched on Tuesday, 29th November in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, during UNAIDS Executive Director’s visit to the country. The report is called ‘Dangerous Inequalities’ and reveals that inequalities are obstructing the end of AIDS. On current trends the world will not meet agreed global targets on AIDS. Millions of lives are at stake. The new UNAIDS report shows that only urgent action to tackle inequalities can get the world’s AIDS response on track. It shows how world leaders can tackle those inequalities…

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Soldiers are HIV Key Populations says Gvt

THE Ministry of Health and Child Care (MoHCC) Director Public Health, Group Captain, Dr Munyaradzi Dobbie says Soldiers and other Uniformed Forces are at high risk of getting HIV due to the nature of their job which requires them to move from one place to another at any given time. By Michael Gwarisa Dr Dobbie made this call during a Science Day that was hosted by the Medicines Sans Frontiers (MSF) in Harare this week. According to Dr Dobbie, Key populations were not a homogenous group thus there was need…

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