“Practice responsible journalism on people who use drugs”

AS Zimbabwe is seized with a drug and substance abuse  epidemic mainly among among the youthful population, journalists have been advised to use responsible language that does not discriminate or endanger the lives of people using drugs. By Nthokozo Gudu This was said by various stakeholders who attended  a journalists at a training on capacity building on harm reduction and accurate reporting on drug use held in Harare recently and hosted by Zimbabwe Civil Liberties and Drug Network (ZCLDN). ZCLDN Director, Mr Wilson Box said the language used on reporting…

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Illicit drug abuse on the rise among Zimbabwean Women

THERE has been an increase in the number of women who use and inject drugs in Zimbabwe over the years owing to a myriad of factors, chief among them being unemployment, poverty among a host of other issues. By Michael Gwarisa This has been revealed by the Final Situation Assessment report of drug use in five provinces to inform HIV and TB programming for people who use drugs. The research was conducted by the Zimbabwe Civil Liberties and Drug Network (ZCLDN), the National AIDS Council (NAC) and the Ministry of…

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Increase in people who inject drugs threatens Zim’s HIV Gains…UNAIDS calls for effective harm reduction programs

GOVERNMENT was warned that the obtaining spike in illicit drug and substance abuse incidences could trigger a new wave of new HIV infections as drug users were devising new risky means of administering drugs such as injecting drugs which at times involves the sharing of unsterilized needles and sharp objects. By Michael Gwarisa While Zimbabwe has made significant strides towards ending the AIDS epidemic, new data indicates that there has been a surge in new HIV infections especially amongst young girls and women while quite a sizable number could be…

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30 Percent Zim Youths Hooked On Crystal Meth

CRYSTAL Meth use has increased in Zimbabwe amidst indications of a sharp increase in bed occupancy in mental health institutions due to high use of illicit drugs and substances. By Michael Gwarisa It is estimated that the proportion of young people in Zimbabwe between 16 and 35 could have or are using illicit substances. There is also an increase in the number of admissions in mental health institutions due to illicit substance use. Wilson Box, the Chief Executive Officer for Zimbabwe Civil Liberties and Drug Network (ZCLDN) told editors at…

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