Economic Induced Absenteeism Weighs Heavily On the Mental Health of Rural Manicaland School Children

For Alice Nyatsanga (16), school days are not something to cherish as they usually involve cat and mouse games with school authorities due to non-payment of school fees. To raise money for tuition, stationery and food, Alice is forced to join her grandmother in doing casual work in people’s fields as well as sell firewood by the road side along the busy Mutare/Masvingo Highway. By Michael Gwarisa in  Manicaland Province “At times, when we open schools, it does not matter lessons would have started, I have to abandon school for…

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School Fees Now A Catastrophic Household Expense In Zimbabwe-World Remit Report

A World Remit 2022 Cost of School report has indicated that the cost of sending children to school in Zimbabwe this year will be over six times more than the average household’s income, ranking it among the world’ s most expensive places for sending children to school. By Michael Gwarisa According the report which observed 21 markets globally, by comparing the average cost of basic educational needs with average annual incomes and fertility rates to determine the season’s financial impact on families around the world, most families will struggle to…

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Zim Headmasters Want Schools Reopened After Winter To Curb Spread Of COVID-19 In Schools

THE Zimbabwe National Union of School Heads (ZINUSH) has called on government to consider closing schools until winter passes in bid to contain the spread of COVID-19 in learning institutions. By Patricia Mashiri ZINUSH president, Mr John Muzamani said in a statement that it was in the interest of children and teachers’ safety not to open schools early. With regards to schools reopening, we suggest that all schools remain closed throughout the winter season and consider reopening when it is warmer and relatively safer. That should be around mid- August.…

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