The Intersection of Unpaid Care Work and Cholera In Zimbabwe: The Untold Tales of Women in Rural Settings

By Michael Gwarisa in Buhera Data from previous epidemics show that women and girls take on the bulk of unpaid or poorly paid care work in families and communities when formal health systems are unable to cope with the rising tide of infections. When COVID-19 hit in 2020, healthcare workers were overwhelmed with managing a novel but highly infectious respiratory infection. The growing demand for care in the context of the COVID-19 crisis deepened already existing inequalities in the gender division of labour, placing a disproportionate burden on women and…

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Zimbabwe: MSF Outreach Program Tackles TB, HIV, and Silicosis Among Miners

By Own Correspondent Limited access to primary health services in artisanal and small-scale mining characterises the harsh realities of excessive exposure to silica-containing dust, overcrowding and poor living conditions. Zimbabwe is currently experiencing a high burden of TB, silicosis and HIV among communities of small-scale and artisanal miners. Multi-sectoral and innovative interventions are required to stem this triple epidemic in Zimbabwe. The risk of silicosis increased due to the severity of exposure to silica dust. Silicosis is a lung disease that comes as a result of exposure to silica, which…

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