Bad Politics, Corruption and Decaying Sanitation Standards Could Hinder Zimbabwe’s Fight To End Neglected Tropical Diseases-Report

ZIMBABWE’s goal of eliminating and reducing its rates of both schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminthiasis (STH) by the year 2030 could be jeopardised by the country’s toxic political environment, decaying water and sanitation standards and decreased access to basic hygiene. By Michael Gwarisa This was revealed in a report by The Economist Intelligence Unit (The EIU)  which is the research and analysis division of The Economist Group, the sister company to The Economist newspaper through sponsorship from The End Fund. The report is titled Breaking The Cycle Of Neglect: Reducing The…

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Madzimai Akupedzwa Nzara Yebonde Ne Gym Ne Mabasa- Vana Mazvikokota

MUDZIMAI akagarisa  asina kunzi tokonyo zvinogona kuvhiringa zvakwanda. Zvino kunze kwaita dambudziko, madzimai akawanda haachafarire bonde nekuda kwezvikonzero zvakwanda mazuva ano. Umwe Mazvikokota pane tsvakurudzo dzakaitwa anoti iye madzimai akupedzwa simba kugym, huye nekuita mabasa akawanda zvinosangasira anoita kuti vanete pfungwa zvese nemuviri. Na Michael Gwarisa Tsvakurudzo yakaitwa ku United Kingdom ye National Survey of Sexual Attitudes inoratidza kuti vanhu havachafadzane pabonde sezvaiitwa chinyakare. Sarudzo idzi dzakaona kuti mugore ra 1990, murume nemukadzi vaigona kuita bonde kshanu pa mwedzi, mugore ra 2000, vadikani vaiita bonde kana (4 times) tozoti muna…

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Health Ministry Receives Essential NCDs Management Equipment From WHO

THE Ministry of Health and Child Care (MoHCC) has received a consignment of essential Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) medications and sundries from the World Health Organisation (WHO) in move set to intensify the fight against the increasing NCDs burden in the country. By Michael Gwarisa The donation of essential NCDs equipment also comes at a time the ministry of health and WHO are working on a new WHO NCD Risk Factor Survey. The last survey was done in 2005 which showed that the prevalence of hypertension in Zimbabwe was around 27%,…

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Bulawayo and Harare health care workers gain new skills on management of stress, anxiety and depression during the COVID-19 pandemic

Mazowe, Zimbabwe – “l really needed this training, as nurses we have just gone through a lot of emotional trauma during this COVID19 pandemic, including experiencing stigma from our colleagues as well as the community,” says Blessing Munjere, Sister in Charge at Sally Mugabe Central Hospital. WHO Communication Department In response to the plight of stressed health care workers on the frontline of Covid19 like Blessing, the Ministry of Health and Child Care (MoHCC), Mental Health (MH) Services Department with support from WHO has trained 84 health workers on MH…

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