IN what is likely to be game changing, Zimbabwe’s new Cyber Security law known as the Data Protection Act criminalises the sharing of another person’s private sex life on social media or digital media platforms. By Michael Gwarisa Zimbabwe has over the years experienced a surge in revenge porn cases whereby aggrieved lovers would after a fallout share indecent pictures and videos of their ex-lovers as a way of embarrassing them. According to the Data Protection Act,…”Any person who unlawfully and intentionally by means of a computer or information system…
Read MoreDay: December 4, 2021
Male circumcisions disrupted by COVID-19, fall short of the 2020 target
In areas with high HIV prevalence and low rates of male circumcision, voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) can greatly contribute to HIV prevention. Despite this, there was a steep drop in the number of VMMCs performed in the 15 priority countries in 2020, due mainly to service disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic: approximately 2.8 million procedures were performed in 2020, compared with 4.1 million in 2019. Several countries suspended their programmes when the pandemic took hold, including South Africa. Despite this, programmes in some countries proved resilient enough to recover…
Read MoreZim Gvt Makes Adjustments Over Who Can Self Quarantine At Home Or Institution
THERE was widespread panic and shock when President Emerson Mnangagwa and his deputy who is also the health and child care minister Dr Constantino Chiwenga announced that returning residents would be subjected to a mandatory 14 days quarantine at their own costs and mandatory PCR testing even after producing a negative PCR COVID. By Michael Gwarisa Government has since issued a Statutory Instrument (S.I) to that effect and the promulgations by the head of state and health minister are now law. The S.I is known as the S.I 267 of…
Read MoreWhen Elephants Buy Sanitary Pads
IF looked after properly, wildlife can turn the fortunes of poor communities living adjacent to national parks and wildlife sanctuaries into stories of success and development. However, in most cases, communities around game reserves experience extreme poverty due to a myriad of factors chief among them being the lack of employment opportunities, lack of exposure among other factors. Some end up resorting poaching the wildlife from the parks just to make ends meet. By Michael Gwarisa Not only do communities living around game reserves, wildlife conservancies and national parks fail…
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